Sunday, February 12, 2012

Four years post relaxer

In this video, I talk about my four year natural hair journey.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Transforming an Old Twist Out into a protective style

I decided to redo my hair and transform an old twist out into a protective style.
Check out my latest video.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Goals for the New Year

Happy New Year!

I have different goals for the New Year.

Some of these goals include drinking more water, develop a fitness regimen, and experiment with more styles for natural hair.

I would like to drink more water. In 2011, I consumed I would say about 70 percent water. This year I plan to guzzle more. I want to get at least 50 to 64 ounces of water a day into my system.

I want to develop a fitness regimen. I want to incorporate cardio into the mix.

With natural hair, I want to try more styles.

These are just some of my goals.  I hope everyone have accomplish everything that is positive that they desire to. Let 2012 be our year!!